As members of the World Baggage Network, we have daily interaction with agents in the 40 countries with asterics (*) below.  In addition to our WBN partners, we can also arrange for a shipment to or from any of the other countries listed:

If your location is not on the chart, do not give up!  We can probably still help you.  Just ask!


Argentina  Ethiopia  Micronesia  Serbia
*Australia *Finland  Moldova  Seychelles
Austria  Fiji  Mongolia *Singapore
Bahamas *France  Montenegro  Slovakia
*Bahrain  French Polynesia  Morocco  Slovenia
*Bali Germany  Mozambique *South Africa
*Bangladesh  Ghana  Namibia  South Korea
Belarus *Hong Kong  Nepal *Spain
*Belgium  Hungary *Netherlands  Sri Lanka
Bolivia  Indonesia  New Caledonia  Sweden
Botswana *India *United States *Switzerland
*Brazil *Ireland  Niger  Taiwan
Brunei  Israel  Nigeria  Tajikistan
Bulgaria *Italy  Norway  Tanzania
Burma  Jamaica  Oman *Thailand
*Cambodia  Japan  Pakistan  Trinidad and Tobago
*Cameroon  Jordan  Panama *Turkey
*Canada  Kazakhstan  Paraguay  Turkmenistan
Chile *Kenya  Peru  Uganda
*China *Kuwait *Philippines *Ukraine
Colombia  Latvia  Poland *United Arab Emirates
*Congo *Lebanon *Portugal *United Kingdom
Costa Rica  Lithuania  Puerto Rico  Uruguay
Croatia  Luxembourg  Qatar  Uzbekistan
Cuba  Macedonia  Romania  Vietnam
Cyprus  Malawi *Russia  Zambia
Czech Republic *Malaysia  Rwanda Zimbabwe
Denmark  Maldives  Saint Maarten
Ecuador *Malta  Saudi Arabia
Egypt  Mexico  Senegal